Key Features:
- 100% workstation recovery on restart
- Supports multiple hard drives and multi boot environments
- Windows 7, Vista, XP, and Mac OSX compatible
- Reboot in "Thawed" mode to make permanent configuration changes
- Integrates seamlessly with Faronics Anti-Virus, retaining definition updates
- Create up to 8 Thawspaces for retaining programs, files and changes

System Requirements
Deep Freeze requires Windows XP/Vista/7/8 and 10% free hard drive space.
The Deep Freeze Configuration Administrator and the Enterprise Console
require Windows XP/Vista/7 to function properly. Information on Faronics
Core system requirements can be found in the Faronics Core user guide.
The hardware requirements are the same as the recommended requirements
for the host operating system.
• Compatible with Fast User Switching -
• Supports SCSI, ATA, SATA, dan IDE hard drive
• Supports FAT, FAT32, NTFS, dll
Written by: Christian Han
4allprograms, Updated at: 12:47 AM