Use every all types of maps: topographic, vectorial, satellite pictures, free online maps... you will be able to open the most common formats (.ecw, *.bmp, *kmz, *.jpg, *.tif, *.tiff, *.png...). Create vectorial maps or even scan and calibrate your own maps.
Use every all types of maps: topographic, vectorial, satellite pictures, free online maps... you will be able to open the most common formats (.ecw, *.bmp, *kmz, *.jpg, *.tif, *.tiff, *.png...). Create vectorial maps or even scan and calibrate your own maps.
Tracks, routes and waypoints
Create tracks, routes and waypoints by just a few clicks, edit and add stages for several days trips. Analyse them with plenty of data, graphics, etc. Save and classify your tracks by activities, distance, slope, etc.
Plug&Play communication with TwoNav devices (Sotware and GPS). Send/load maps, tracks, routes and waypoints directly from the software’s data tree. Compatible with other GPS (Garmin, Magellan...).
Plug&Play communication with TwoNav devices (Sotware and GPS). Send/load maps, tracks, routes and waypoints directly from the software’s data tree. Compatible with other GPS (Garmin, Magellan...).
Live data
Add a GPS receiver to your PC (not included) and access to live Data to get plenty of information during the navigation: speed, altitude, time to arrival...
Add a GPS receiver to your PC (not included) and access to live Data to get plenty of information during the navigation: speed, altitude, time to arrival...
3D View
The most realistic and spectacular perspective of your past and future trips.
The most realistic and spectacular perspective of your past and future trips.
Pictures Synchronise every pictures you took during your trip and place them on the map, exactly at the right place.
File Size : 37 MB
Type : exe
Written by: Christian Han
4allprograms, Updated at: 8:42 PM